Thursday, January 28, 2010


So I haven't made any new creations in a while, but something happened the other night that made me want to start creating again.

I belong to the Jester Honorary Social at MUW, and I am proudly the big of two sweet Jester babies. Both of my babies share my love (maybe they more than me) of gaming. I'm not what you would call an avid gamer, but I do enjoy old school Super Mario Bros. and the occasional Nintendo DS game (Zelda, Animal Crossing, Scriblenauts, and Rhythm Heaven just to name a few).

Getting to the point... the other night at one of our Jester functions one of my babies was wearing a pair of earrings that look remarkably similar to the little red mushrooms you get in Super Mario. When someone asked her if that is in fact what they were, she sadly replied, "No."

Seeing as how her birthday was the Jan. 26th, I decided to make her a special birthday present.

The penguin key chain in my first post, lovingly went to my other Jester baby, who celebrated her birthday Jan. 11.

Granted they are inexpensive, but something about homemade gifts makes people feel warm and fuzzy. At least they do for me anyways. Plus, something that takes so much time and effort is bound to be made out of love.

Happy Birthday Chelsea! Hope you enjoy your present!

P.S. Since I was on a roll with the whole nintendo themed clay things, I decided to make another little guy. Recognize him?